Office of the Vice-President for Administration

The Vice-President for Administration shall be directly responsible to the President. The office of the Vice-President for Administration coordinates with the President of the University and other Vice-Presidents on matters related to the operation of the University.
The Office of the Vice-President for Administration provides effective liaison between the University and the community, other educational institutions, agencies, and organizations of the Local Government units; and prepares and submits periodic reports to the ASU President for submission to the other Board of Regents, DBM, COA, Congress and other government agencies
The office recommends to the Office of the University President the allocation of funds for administrative, resource generation, and auxiliary operations in consultation with the Directors of Administrative Services, Finance services, Physical Plant Development services, and Auxiliary Services under her supervision.
The Office also ascertains that actual expenditures are in accordance with the authorized appropriations and allotments in the Offices following the government accounting and auditing rules and regulations.
An Excerpt from The Aklan State University Code, Governance and Administration, Article 27-28.