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Home » ASU-Banga Team Benchmarks at UA, NISU

ASU-Banga Team Benchmarks at UA, NISU

A team composed of personnel from ASU-Banga conducted a benchmarking activity on September 10, 2024 at two state universities in the Region VI.
The team together with ASU President, Dr. Jeffrey A. Clarin, headed first to University of Antique, Main Campus, Sibalom, Antique and met with UA President, Dr. Pablo S. Crespo Jr, then to Northern Iloilo State University, Main Campus, Estancia, Iloilo to meet with NISU President. Dr. Bobby D. Gerardo.
The objectives of the activity are to share notable perspectives and firsthand knowledge along administration and finance services, specifically on: HRM, Project Development, Auxiliary Services, Planning, Budget, and BAC as well as acquaint the participating employees with the administrative and financial services offered by other SUCs within the region.
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