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ICT/MIS conducts refresher training on ASU-LMS

To provide ASU’s faculty and students comprehensive learning content and educational resources, the Information and Communication Technology/Management Information System (ICT/MIS) Unit in cooperation with the Office of Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA) and Office of Training Services conducted a “Refresher Training Course for Effective Teaching, Monitoring, and Sustainability Utilizing Aklan State University Learning Management System (ASU-LMS).
The said activity was conducted on August 30, 2024 at the ASU-Kalibo Function Hall, Kalibo, Aklan with 132 participants from all Aklan State University campuses representing different academic programs: 37 from ASU-Banga, 42 from ASU-Kalibo, six (6) from ASU-Ibajay, 21 from ASU-New Washington, and 25 from ASU Makato. Moreover, 17 Training Committee members composed of the VP for Academic Affairs and ASU-Kalibo Campus Director, Technical Support Team, and Creative Media Team were also present.
The preliminaries were attended by Dr. Angeline G. Regalado, ASU-Kalibo Campus Director who gave the Welcome Remarks; Dr. Eleanor F. Rosales, VP for Academic Affairs also gave her inspirational message; and Dr. Ava Mae S. Magallanes, Director of Training Services, who introduced the resource persons.
Prof. Reimar R. Tingga, Director of ICT/LMS, one of the Resource Speakers at the said event, talked about “Proficient Utilization of ASU-LMS for OBE-aligned Courses and Interactive Learning”. This talk equipped the participants with skills and knowledge in the creation and management of Moodle course aligned with Outcomes-Based Education (OBE) standards.
Furthermore, Mr. Edward S. Gumban, BSIT Chairperson, the second Resource Speaker, discussed “Utilizing ASU-LMS Tools for Monitoring Student Progress and Enhancing Course Delivery”. This topic enabled participants understanding in generation and analysis of course performance reports using Moodle’s tracking tools.
The Refresher Training Course for Effective Teaching, Monitoring, and Sustainability Utilizing Aklan State University Learning Management System (ASU-LMS) ‘Pagtinueon-an Sa Unibersidad’ is designed to reinforce and enhance the effective use of the ASU-LMS across all campuses and academic programs of Aklan State University. This initiative emerged from the ongoing need to improve the quality of teaching and learning through the technological capabilities of the ASU-LMS, mainly as the university resumes face-to-face classes.
The resource persons and the areas they discussed ultimately fortified the participants with the tools needed for the development of a sustainability plan for the ongoing use and management of the ASU-LMS.
To ensure the continuity and sustainability of the training all participants are encouraged to submit evidences of actual utilization of ASU-LMS in their respective campus ASU-LMS Server/Website on Week 12: October 21-25, 2024.
Photos: Creative Media – ASU-Ibajay Team
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